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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - rocket


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(rockets, rocketing, rocketed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A rocket is a space vehicle that is shaped like a long tube. N-COUNT 2. A rocket is a missile containing explosive that is powered by gas. There has been a renewed rocket attack on the capital. N-COUNT: oft N n 3. A rocket is a firework that quickly goes high into the air and then explodes. N-COUNT 4. If things such as prices or social problems rocket, they increase very quickly and suddenly. (JOURNALISM) Fresh food is so scarce that prices have rocketed... The nation has experienced four years of rocketing crime. = soar VERB: V, V-ing 5. If something such as a vehicle rockets somewhere, it moves there very quickly. A train rocketed by, shaking the walls of the row houses... VERB: V prep/adv
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См. в других словарях

   I. noun  Etymology: Middle French roquette, from Old Italian rochetta, diminutive of ruca arugula, from Latin eruca  Date: 1530 any of several plants of the mustard family: as  a. arugula  b. dame's ~  II. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Italian rocchetta, literally, small distaff, from diminutive of rocca distaff, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German rocko distaff  Date: 1611  1.  a. a firework consisting of a case partly filled with a combustible composition fastened to a guiding stick and propelled through the air by the rearward discharge of the gases liberated by combustion  b. a similar device used as an incendiary weapon or as a propelling unit (as for a lifesaving line)  2. a jet engine that operates on the same principle as the firework ~, consists essentially of a combustion chamber and an exhaust nozzle, carries either liquid or solid propellants which provide the fuel and oxygen needed for combustion and thus make the engine independent of the oxygen of the air, and is used especially for the propulsion of a missile (as a bomb or shell) or a vehicle (as an airplane)  3. a ~-propelled bomb, missile, projectile, or vehicle  III. Date: 1837  transitive verb to convey or propel by means of or as if by a ~  intransitive verb  1. to rise up swiftly, spectacularly, and with force ~ed to the top of the list  2. to travel rapidly in or as if in a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a cylindrical projectile that can be propelled to a great height or distance by combustion of its contents, used esp. as a firework or signal. 2 an engine using a similar principle but not dependent on air intake for its operation. 3 a rocket-propelled missile, spacecraft, etc. 4 Brit. sl. a severe reprimand. --v. (rocketed, rocketing) 1 tr. bombard with rockets. 2 intr. a move rapidly upwards or away. b increase rapidly (prices rocketed). Etymology: F roquette f. It. rochetto dimin. of rocca ROCK(2), with ref. to its cylindrical shape 2. n. 1 (also sweet rocket) any of various fast-growing plants, esp. of the genus Hesperis or Sisymbrium. 2 a cruciferous annual plant, Eruca sativa, grown for salad. Phrases and idioms wall-rocket a yellow-flowered weed, Diplotaxis muralis, emitting a foul smell when crushed. yellow rocket winter cress. Etymology: F roquette f. It. rochetta, ruchetta dimin. of ruca f. L eruca downy-stemmed plant ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) ракета (за)пускать ракету 2) ракетный двигатель (см. тж. propulsion) 3) выводить ракетой (спутник) на орбиту - antihail rocket - antimatter annihilation rocket - antimatter rocket - chaff rocket - closed-cycle gas-core nuclear rocket - colloidal rocket - colloidal nuclear rocket - colloidal-particle ion rocket - continuous-wave laser rocket - cryogenic rocket - detonation-wave rocket - dual-expander rocket - electric-detonation rocket - fully ionized plasma rocket - fusion rocket - fusion pulse rocket - gas-core nuclear rocket - high-temperature plasma rocket - hybrid plume plasma rocket - inertial-fusion rocket - laser energy-propelled rocket - laser fusion rocket - laser-induced fusion microexplosions rocket - laser fusion microexplosions rocket - laser-sustained detonation-wave rocket - liquid-core nuclear rocket - liquid-propellant rocket - matter annihilation rocket - nuclear-fission rocket - nuclear-fusion pulse rocket - nuclear pulse rocket - open-cycle gas-core nuclear rocket - optimally tuned rocket - orbit-to-orbit rocket - plasma rocket - plasma-ion rocket - pressure-fed rocket - pulsed-laser-heated rocket - pulse-nuclear rocket - pump-fed rocket - radioisotope rocket - ram-augmented interstellar rocket - repetitively pulse-laser rocket - solar energy-propelled rocket - solid-core nuclear rocket - sounding rocket - thermonuclear fusion rocket - thermonuclear microbombs-ignited rocket - upper-stage rocket ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) запускать ракеты 2) ракета 3) ракетный 4) ракетный двигатель absolutely tractable rocket — космонавт. ракета абсолютно послушная bipropellant rocket engine — ракетн. двигатель двухкомпонентный boost rocket engine — ускорительный ракетный двигатель control rocket motor — рулевой ракетный двигатель cross-spin of a rocket — вращение ракеты вокруг поперечной оси fire rocket engine — запускать ракетный двигатель high-velocity aircraft rocket — космонавт. ракета авиационная скоростная hybrid rocket engine — ракетн. двигатель ракетный комбинированный ion rocket jet engine — ионный реактивный двигатель launching rocket engine — стартовый ракетный двигатель liquid-fuel rocket engine — космонавт. двигатель реактивный жидкостный liquid-propellant rocket engine — жидкостный ракетный двигатель low-thrust rocket engine — ракетный двигатель малой тяги monopropellant rocket engine — ракетн. двигатель ракетный однокомпонентный place rocket in orbit — выводить ракету на орбиту rocket motor case — корпус ракетного двигателя solid-propellant rocket engine — ракетн. двигатель ракетный твердотопливный solid-propellant rocket motor — пороховой ракетный двигатель steerable rocket motor — поворотный ракетный двигатель sustainer rocket engine — маршевый ракетный двигатель - drone rocket - fire rocket - high-altitude rocket - ion rocket - life rocket - liquid-fuel rocket - mail-carrying rocket -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  бот. 1) вечерница (Hesperis) 2) индау, эрука посевная (Eruca sativa) – bastard rocket – crambling rocket – dame's rocket – eastern rocket – false rocket – garden rocket – Italian rocket – sand rocket – scrambling rocket – sea rocket – sweet rocket – tall rocket – wall rocket – wild rocket – yellow rocket ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  см. hero ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. ракета nuclear rocket —- ракета с ядерным двигателем ballistic rocket —- баллистическая ракета booster rocket —- ракета-носитель moon rocket —- ракета для полета на Луну orbital rocket —- орбитальная ракета take-off rocket —- стартовая ракета 2. реактивный снаряд 3. ракетный двигатель 4. сл. разнос, выговор 5. в грам. знач. прил.: ракетный rocket base —- ракетная база rocket fuel —- ракетное топливо rocket post —- воен. ракетный сигнальный пост rocket range —- дальность ракеты; ракетный полигон rocket warfare —- ракетная война rocket weapons —- ракетное оружие rocket observation —- метеор. наблюдение с помощью ракет 6. (за)пускать ракету 7. взлетать, взмывать 8. подниматься резко, подскакивать (о ценах и т. п.) unemployment in the shipbuilding industry has rocketed since the beginning of the year —- с начала года безработица в судостроительной промышленности резко увеличилась 9. делать резкий рывок вперед (о лошади) 10. бот. ночная фиалка, вечерница (Hesperis matronalis) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) ракета  2) ракетный двигатель  3) реактивный снаряд  4) attr. ракетный; реактивный; rocket projector - реактивный гранатомет; rocket airplane - реактивный самолет; самолет, вооруженный ракетами; rocket bomb - управляемая ракета; rocket site - стартовая площадка (для запуска ракет)  2. v.  1) взмывать, взлетать  2) пускать ракеты II noun bot. вечерница, ночная фиалка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 a vehicle used for travelling or carrying things into space, which is shaped like a big tube 2 a similar object used as a weapon, especially one that carries a bomb  (anti-tank rockets) 3 a small tube fixed to a stick, that contains explosive powder and is used as a firework 4 give sb a rocket BrE informal to criticize someone angrily because they have done something wrong ~2 v 1 also rocket up if a price or amount rockets, it increases quickly and suddenly  (Interest rates rocketed.) 2 always + adv/prep to move somewhere very fast + through/along etc  (The train rocketed through the tunnel.) 3 always + adv/prep to achieve a successful position very quickly  (Their new album rocketed to number one in the charts.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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